Angel grew up in Apopka, with dreams of going to college; working with disabled children; and owning her own home for family gatherings, Sunday dinners, and children playing. But her life took a different turn. She got in with the wrong crowd, spent years involved in the drug culture, and had her first child at 15. Her dreams went by the wayside. Thankfully, Angel turned her life around in 2011 through her faith. By then she had six children and lived in a Section 8 home in Orlando yet began pursuing new goals and dreams. She took advantage of the Jobs Partnership program for job and life skills training and earned an AA in Medical Administration at Southern Technical College. Her externship at an orthopedic practice led Angel to the Orlando Health position she has held for five years. She’ll soon be able to work from home and is excited about future work opportunities at the hospital. The family’s housing situation didn’t follow suit, however, as the owner of the Section 8 house sold it without much warning. Angel and the four children who still lived with her hurriedly moved to a hotel and then to the Orlando Union Rescue Mission…all five sharing one room. Through Habitat’s partnership with the Mission, this hardworking mom took our Financial Academy to learn more about finances. With a credit score over 700 and improving, she applied and was accepted into our Homebuyer Program. While working a full-time job, Angel quickly completed her sweat equity hours. She was anxious to move her children out of the shelter into their future Habitat home in Sanford. Her heart, though, was in her hometown of Apopka. Amazingly, a 4-bedroom home in Apopka became available and everyone knew the perfect Future Homebuyer! Angel is thrilled to be moving near family, Apopka High School for her daughter, her son’s private school, and resources such as Quest for her disabled daughter. Angel can barely believe she is about to realize that dream of years ago. “Look at the yard. There’s space for my grandkids…And I’m a tomboy. I can cut the grass and will have a garden! I won’t have to worry about getting kicked out!” “I’m so appreciative,” she says about all the people who have helped her. “And I’ve prayed to the Lord. All this would not be possible without HIM.”