resources > homebuyer stories > Jackie Pacheco

Jackie Pacheco

Building a Better Life

Accepted into Program: Dec 1, 2022

Job: Assistant Manager

Neighborhood: Leadership Point

Jackie grew up in Puerto Rico in a “little town with a BIG family.” She came to Orlando for a better life, began to work at Burger King and lived with her aunt. Leaving the nest, she married, rented a home and had a daughter. They split after a year and Jackie and baby moved in with her sister’s family. That began a cycle of moving to seek an affordable rent. After 12 years, Jackie met someone, had a son, and started a career in banking. They were “on and off” for eight years and finally moved in together. After eight months she packed up the kids and left. The search for an affordable place began again. In 2018, Jackie began to work at what became First Horizon Bank, where she is now an Assistant Manager. Her daughter had moved out, so Jackie rented a place with her son for $900/month. (That rent is now $1,600.) She was also diagnosed with traces of cancer. Jackie learned about Habitat in 2022. Applications were closed, so she took our Financial Academy. After a wait, she applied and was accepted. Starting slowly on her sweat equity, then realizing she had to push forward, she has done so with a vengeance. That has enabled her to select the lot she wanted in Leadership Point and to recently finish her hours.

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