resources > homebuyer stories > Jameca Laster
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Jameca Laster

An Unstoppable Force

Accepted into Program: Dec 1, 2022

Job: Jewett Orthopedics

Neighborhood: Leadership Point

Jameca dreamed of a home of her own and financial stability, something her family didn’t have as she was growing up. Going to a Work Force school, she was able to get her schooling and have a job at the same time and moved out on her own at 18. She learned she had to depend on herself and went back to school in the medical field. Jameca has been at Jewett Orthopedics since 2020. She entered a relationship and had a son. When the relationship ended, she was left paying the bills on one income…this time with a toddler. Her rent skyrocketed. She and her three-year-old now sleep in one twin bed at her sister’s house. Jameca found Habitat in 2023. She took our Financial Academy and applied when the opportunity arose and was accepted. Jameca has chosen her lot, finished her sweat equity hours, and is SO thrilled with our classes to help her succeed as a homeowner that she is retaking several on her own time!

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