resources > homebuyer stories > Kashima Wilson
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Kashima Wilson

You guys saw something in me. Now, it’s up to me!

Accepted into Program: Dec 1, 2022

Job: Pharmacy Technician

Neighborhood: Leadership Point

Kashima is a loving mother, enthusiastic employee, and hardworking woman driven to learn new skills, advance at work, and provide for her daughter. She was a teen mom to her now-24- year-old son and is divorced.

On her own at 18, Kashima worked at a big box store. She married and had a daughter. Moving on to sales and marketing and then employee coordination, she’s been a Pharmacy Technician at a Specialty Pharmacy for six years.

Kashima and her 15-year-old daughter are living in a very uncomfortable situation. Though she loves her job, her present salary is not enough to pay for a decent place for them. Kashima knew she had to act, so she applied to Habitat Seminole-Apopka. Denied at first, she took our Financial Academy. Once she improved her credit score and submitted complete paperwork, she was accepted. That was May 2023. This go-getter was determined to finish her sweat equity hours quickly, her daughter helping through A grades in school. She wanted to select a home on Leadership Point, and she did!

Kashima had lost hope of ever becoming a homeowner. “This is an amazing opportunity that I’m blessed to have,” she says. “You guys saw something in me. Now, it’s up to me!”

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