Keila and her seven-year-old daughter Yanely paint a picture of mother and child with no worries as they sit on the steps of their apartment building. But when the little one wants to run and play, Keila won’t let her venture more than a few steps for fear of the kids in their neighborhood. That’s why Keila has dreamed of having her own home! When she first applied to us at Habitat Seminole-Apopka in 2021, Keila didn’t have enough income even to pay a modest mortgage. Our staff stayed in touch, however, encouraging her to talk with her employer about working overtime and potentially getting a raise for all her good work. The encouragement worked! Keila was afforded constant overtime hours and eventually received a raise. She knew exactly what she was going to do with the income, reapplied to us, and was accepted. She began her Future Homebuyer journey in May 2022 and, with her characteristic determination, completed her “sweat equity” hours by December, a mere seven months later! Working hard isn’t new to Keila, who has had to do so since she was 16 years old. She is also a soul who likes to help others and was able to do so in our Homebuyer Program by helping to build other homes in addition to her own, and by volunteering at community nonprofits as part of her required hours. “When they say, ‘sweat equity,’ they mean you sweat for real,” she says. Keila is beyond excited to be moving into her own new home, where her daughter will have a safe place to play. “I’m going to have a house for the first time in my 45 years!” she exclaims. In addition to that joy and the good feeling she gets from helping others, Keila is thrilled to have met new friends and “good people” during her journey. The fact that four other Habitat families will be her neighbors on Dixie Way is another bonus. There’s something special to be said about the experience and goals they share as they become part of the greater Sanford community.