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LaTonya Riley

Even Cancer Can’t Stop Her

LaTonya is an Apopka woman, through and through! She grew up in Apopka, lives there now, and is thrilled to be buying her forever home right there. Her son, Cameran, will graduate from Apopka High School this spring and won’t have to go far in his cap and gown. LaTonya works hard for Orange County Public Schools as a school bus monitor, truly loving what she does. Maybe not the teacher she once wanted to be, but her life took a different course. Those years ago, she was going to college, working, and raising a family. When her schedule became overwhelming, she quit school and focused on work and family. That led to 18 years of service at McDonalds and four children of whom she is very proud. LaTonya’s life totally changed in 2016, when her mother passed away and grief engulfed her. Not quite a year later, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to quit work. Thanks to family, friends, and the faith she had to support her, she fought the battle bravely. In remission from that cancer, she was then diagnosed with another form of the disease in 2020 and had to have major surgery. Still fighting cancer, wanting to work, desiring something better for her life, and tired of her state of mind, LaTonya decided to focus on rebuilding her credit. That was Spring 2022, when she also began working for OCPS. She learned about our Habitat Financial Academy from a friend and longtime Habitat homeowner and enrolled in the course. LaTonya’s determination and new knowledge bore fruit and her score now nears 800! That friend also encouraged her to apply to become a Future Homebuyer…and the rest is history! Accepted into the Homebuyers Program in May 2023, she was filled with nervous excitement. “Be careful what you pray for,” she says, “you just might get it!” Off work in the summer, and with Cameran’s help, LaTonya quickly finished her sweat equity hours, all while not in the pink of health. “When they say sweat equity, I really sweated! I almost gave up, but I kept going, otherwise I wouldn’t be where I am today.” LaTonya says it best. “I’m blessed, excited, kind of nervous, and grateful…it still seems unreal. Every time I ride by, I say ‘Is that mine?’” She also wants people to know to “never give up on your dreams, it’s never too late, keep fighting, and keep God first.” “I’m proud of myself,” says LaTonya. “And I’m proud of Cameran, who is ready to move. He never once said he didn’t want to go [help on a jobsite].” LaTonya – we’re totally proud of you, too!

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