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The Niblacks

Hardworking Couple with a Dream

Felicia and Kolby are a hardworking couple with an active three-year-old son. Felicia works in customer service for a roadside assistance company and aspires for a corporate position. Kolby is a pharmacy technician and aspires to turn his love of music production into a career. Felicia follows in her mother’s footsteps in her work ethic. Mom adopted Felicia as a nine-year old child, along with five other children, adding them to the four she had naturally. She moved her 10 children from New York to Florida for a better environment and never gave up. She taught them well; Felicia got straight A grades and the family led teen ministries. Kolby grew up in a military family in Virginia, with four siblings. After his dad died, the family moved to Florida. He and Felicia met in Orlando when they were both working in sales. Watching their parents struggle as they bought homes but couldn’t afford the upkeep, the couple wanted to buy a modest affordable home, pay it off, and pass it down to their children. They applied to a housing program, filled out paperwork, but never heard from the case manager. That made them skeptical of any trustworthy program in the community. Felicia heard about Habitat from her sister, and they applied. Accepted in 2022, they were understandably cautious, yet excited, and decided to trust God. They worked hard on their sweat equity, wanting to choose a home in the future Sanford subdivision, Leadership Point, where their neighbors will be Habitat families. As part of their required training hours, the couple took the Financial Academy class. They learned much from those and the mandatory classes about maintenance as well as mortgages, insurance and more. Felicia now understands so much more despite taking accounting classes previously. They look forward to the day we dedicate their Sanford home, and make their dream come true!

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