how to apply

Do You Qualify?

To qualify for homes through Habitat for Humanity Seminole-Apopka you must meet the following criteria:

Have a Need for Housing

A family or individual must be currently living in either substandard, transitional, hazardous, unaffordable and/or overcrowded housing.

Have a Steady Income

Habitat homes are not given away. They are sold to qualified homebuyers with an affordable mortgage. Each family must demonstrate steady income.*

Be Willing to Partner

A family or individual must have the willingness to partner with Habitat Seminole-Apopka by investing Sweat Equity in their home and the homes of other partner families.

Detailed Requirements

Housing Requirements

In order to qualify your current housing situation must be one or more of the following:

  • Inadequate
  • Overcrowded
  • Transitional
  • Substandard Government Subsidized
  • Unaffordable (More than 35% of monthly income goes towards rent)

In order to qualify your current financial situation must satisfy the following:


  • Stable, verifiable income between 60%-80% of HUD Median Income levels for the Orlando Metropolitan area (see Income Qualification Guidelines).
  • Have a 6 month work history.


  • Your estimated mortgage payment should be no more than 35% of your income.
  • Your mortgage and other debt combined should be no more than 43% of your income.

delinquent debt

  • No more than $2,000 in non-medical delinquent debt at the time of application
  • All non-medical delinquent debt must be paid off before purchase of the home.


  • Ability to timely meet credit obligations can be evidenced by showing that the potential homebuyer has a median credit score of 620.


  • Must wait five years after being discharged and reestablishing good credit.

student loans:

  • All student loan debt liabilities, even in deferment and when included in debt-to-income ratio, should not be more than 43% of your income.

You must be willing to save for your own closing costs.

In order to qualify you must be willing to do the following in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Seminole Apopka:


  • Work 200 hours of “sweat equity” for a single head of household or 400 hours for a dual head of household (a minimum of 15 hours of sweat equity each month). 
  • You must accept a home in the neighborhoods where Habitat Seminole-Apopka serves.
  • You must attend the required homeowner classes as scheduled.
  • You will be responsible for maintenance of your house from the time you move into your home.
  • You will be responsible for repaying the purchase cost of your home in a timely manner so that other potential homebuyers can benefit from the Habitat program.
The following table provides the income requirements by family size:

Family Size Min Income Max Income
1 $40,560 $54,050
2 $46,320 $61,800
3 $52,140 $69,500
4 $57,900 $77,200
5 $62,580 $83,400
6 $67,200 $89,550
7 $71,820 $95,750
8 $76,440 $101,950

*Specific income guidelines are outlined in the Qualification Guidelines. Habitat does not discourage anyone from applying for our home ownership program. However, please note that in addition to meeting Habitat’s monthly income and debt requirements, an applicant must not have filed bankruptcy or had property foreclosed on within the past five years. All court fees, fines, time served, community service, etc. must be fully satisfied and any civil judgment or tax lien paid in full and satisfied prior to being accepted into the home ownership program.

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Don’t qualify?

Sign up for Financial Academy & Schedule an appointment with our Housing Counselor, Lori, to create a Housing Action Plan!

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thank you

Once again, we thank you for your interest and look forward to receiving your application.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us. We are here to support you throughout this process.

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