resources > blog > Remembering President Carter

December 31, 2024 | 

1 min read

Remembering President Carter


“If more people were like President Carter, the world would be a better place.”

– Penny Seater, Habitat for Humanity Seminole Apopka CEO

The passing of President Jimmy Carter is being felt by all of us at Habitat for Humanity Seminole Apopka. Today, Habitat CEO Penny Seater responded to members of the local media and was asked to comment on his legacy.

In Penny’s words, Jimmy Carter lived a very humble and committed life as a humanitarian leader and inspired others to do the same. He leaves behind a legacy of helping thousands and thousands of families who have been able to break a cycle of poverty.

Those families now have generational wealth to hand down to their families and have changed the trajectory of their lives. Their children are graduating high school, going off to postsecondary education, increasing their ability to make money and for the first time, have stability in their lives.

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