Susan Rich’s commitment to building homes, communities and hope has a very personal foundation. Having been a single mother for many years, she understands at her core what raising children on one income is like. More than anything, that drives her belief in Habitat for Humanity Seminole-Apopka’s mission, one that has only grown over the years.
Susan shares that belief wherever she goes, inspiring her employer, One Florida Bank (OFB); colleagues; friends; and family members (yeah husband Mark!) to take the philanthropic journey with her. One might say she has infused them with her passion to provide affordable homeownership in Central Florida. Susan’s journey with us began in 2015. Merging her dedication to helping women and families and amazing vigor, she jumped right in to build houses, serve on Board committees, and participate in raising money and womanpower for Women Build, involving her then-bank employer.
Devoting many hours to support Habitat’s belief that everyone deserves decent housing, Susan took that dedication with her to OFB in 2019, as Executive Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer. Did we mention she was also elected Board Chair that year and has since served two terms in that position?
Susan was the impetus for the OFB Community Builders Program. The program supports deserving families in the Central Florida community having access to quality, affordable homes and, gratefully, does this alongside Habitat Seminole-Apopka. A wonderful relationship has developed that melds the local, community-minded bank with a nonprofit that builds strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter locally. In fact, most Future Homebuyers who turn to our “Hometown Habitat” are products of the area. They want to stay here, but want decent, affordable housing in which to raise their families.
Susan is also at the forefront of OFB’s monthly volunteer “Build Days”, has served on our Board for nine years, serves on the Board of Habitat Florida, and uses her knowledge as a member of both our Finance and Homeowner Selection Committees. (She’s unstoppable and we love it!)
Thanks to Susan’s passion, One Florida Bank was the Presenting Sponsor for the 2023 Women Build, with a generous $30,000 donation and is doing so again right now in 2024. That wasn’t enough for Susan, who raised another $11,930 from everyone she knows last year and is attempting to top her own total this year!
In fact, during her nine years of fundraising and team leadership for Women Build alone, she has personally raised more than $60,000. In addition, Susan has enlisted yearly contributions from One Florida Bank. (Talk about donation and fundraising opportunities!)
Susan is a Habitat ambassador both in the workplace and in the community by bringing the issues of access to affordable homes and the long-term impact of homeownership to the forefront of discussions at OFB. Too, she promotes the free, online Financial Academy and Habitat’s other financial offerings. Presently, five senior team leaders and several community members serve on our committees thanks to Susan.
We can’t do what we do without supporters like Susan, who expresses her heart in so many ways. Is there any wonder why she was honored as our Official Habitat Cheer Captain and wears that heartfelt badge with pride?
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